Old English Publications | Subsidia
1. Jorge Luis Borges, Ancient Germanic Literatures, trans. Jane Toswell (OEP and ACMRS, 2014). $35.00. Order here.
2. Frederick Klaeber, A Commentary on the Old English Version of Bede's Ecclesiastical History, trans. Valentine Pakis (OEP and ACMRS, 2015). $45.00. Order here.
Volumes can be ordered from Medieval Institute Publications (WMU). Subsidia volumes are:
1. Walter W. Skeat, An English-Anglo-Saxon Vocabulary (1978; rpt. 1979). [Rpt. of 1879 edition.]
2. Rowland L. Collins, ed., A Glance Backward (1978). [A ten-year retrospective on the Year's Work in Old English Studies from a 1977 MLA session.] OUT OF PRINT
3. Manfred Görlach, Maccus and Mauris (1979). [M and M do their thing in OE.] OUT OF PRINT. Rvsd. Ed. is available; see vol. 19 below.
4. P. A. Clemoes, Liturgical Influence on Punctuation in Late Old English and Early Middle English Manuscripts (1980). [Rpt. of 1952 paper.]
5. P. A. Clemoes, The Chronology of Ælfric's Works. [Rpt. of 1959 article.]
6. Raymond A. Wiley, John Mitchell Kemble's Review of Jakob Grimm's Deutsche Grammatik (1981). ["Set up for the Foreign Quarterly Review, but never published."]
7. Constance B. Hieatt and Sharon Butler, Raedellan (1981). [Riddles translated into Old English.]
8. Stanley B. Greenfield, ed., The Bibliography of Old English (1982). [Papers from a 1981 MLA session by E. G. Stanley, D. K. Fry, C. T. Berkhout.]
9. Paul E. Szarmach, ed., Anglo-Latin in the Context of Old English Literature (1983). [Papers from a 1982 MLA session by G. H. Brown, A. J. Frantzen, C. Chase.]
10. Janet M. Bately, The Literary Prose of King Alfred's Reign: Translation or Transformation? (1984). [Rpt. of 1980 Inaugural Lecture.]
11. J.D.A. Ogilvy, Books Known to the English, 597-1066: Addenda et Corrigenda (1985). [Rpt., Mediaevalia 7 (1981), 281-325.]
12. Frederick M. Biggs, The Sources of Christ III: A Revision of Cook's Notes (1986). [An update of Cook's source work on Christ III.]
13. Simon D. Keynes, Anglo-Saxon History: A Select Bibliography (1st Ed., 1987; 2nd Ed. 1993). [A bibliography for students. The first edition (1987) has been revised and expanded by the author and is now available as the Second REVISED EDITION (1993)] $5.00. Also, see the on-line publication of the 3rd Revised Edition (1996) here.
14. Tadao Kubouchi, William Schipper, and Hiroshi Ogawa, eds., Old English Studies from Japan 1941-81 (1988). [A selection of essays previously published in Japanese, and now translated into English, representative of the history of Old English scholarship in Japan.]
15. Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, ed., Twenty Years of the Year's Work in Old English Studies (1989). [A twenty-year retrospective on the Year's Work in Old English Studies from a session of the Old English Division at the 1988 MLA Convention.]
16. Jeffrey Vickman, A Metrical Concordance to Beowulf (1990). [With a preface by R.D. Fulk. Based on A.J. Bliss's system of metrical analysis.]
17. Thomas H. Ohlgren, Anglo-Saxon Art: Texts and Contexts (1991). [Ten images drawn from Anglo-Saxon manuscripts and sculpture discussed in the context of their cultural relationships.]
18. Simon D. Keynes, Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Trinity College (1992). [A catalog of select manuscripts and books from the Wren Library, with 40 figures.]
19. Manfred Görlach, Mac ond Mauris in Old English Rhymed and Alliterative Verse (1992). [Replaces volume 3 above, offering both rhymed and alliterative versions of the M and M saga.]
20. Alan Bliss, with an introduction by Daniel Donoghue, An Introduction to Old English Metre (1993) [Rpt. of 1962 edition.]
21. Constance B. Hieatt, Brian Shaw, and Duncan Macrae-Gibson, Beginning Old English: An Elementary Grammar for Use With Computerized Exercises (1994). [includes a DOS diskette with the manual.]
22. Alan Bliss, edited and with foreword by Peter J. Lucas, The Scansion of Beowulf (1995). [Written by Alan Bliss before his death for use as a teaching tool, this work expands upon the analysis set forth in The Metre of Beowulf, with ample illustration of various metrical types.]
23. Richard W. Pfaff, ed., The Liturgical Books of Anglo-Saxon England (1995). [Edited and with an Introduction by Richard W. Pfaff and including contributions by the author, Alicia Correa, K. D. Hartzell, Sarah Larratt Keefer, Janet L. Nelson, Phillip Pulsiano, and E. C. Teviotdale. This is the SASLC volume on Liturgy.]
24. Friedrich Klaeber, translated by Paul Battles, The Christian Elements in Beowulf (1996). [Originally published as "Die christlichen Elemente im Beowulf," Anglia 35 (1911): 111-36, 249-70, 453-82; 36 (1912): 169-99.]
25. Dabney Anderson Bankert, Jessica Wegmann, and Charles D. Wright, Ambrose in Anglo-Saxon England with Pseudo-Ambrose and Ambrosiaster (1997). [This is the SASLC volume on Ambrose.]
26. M. J. Toswell, ed., The Dictionary of Old English: Retrospects and Prospects (1998). [Preface by Antonette diPaolo Healey; papers by Frederick M. Biggs, Mary Blockley, Sarah Foot, Taro Ishiguro, Mary Richards, and E. G. Stanley.]
27. Joseph B. Trahern, Jr. ed., Thirty Years More of the Year's Work in Old English Studies (2000). [Edited and with a foreward by Joseph B. Trahern, Jr. Papers by Mary Blockley, Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, and Nicholas Howe from the 1995 program of the Old English Division of the Modern Language Association.]
28. R. D. Fulk and Kari Ellen Gade, ed., A Bibliography of Germanic Alliterative Meters (2000). [Comparative Germanic, Old Norse, Old English, Middle English, Old Saxon, Old High German.]
29. Bruce Mitchell and Susan Irvine, ed., Beowulf Repunctuated (2000) [Beowulf Repunctuated according to the Mitchell-Irvine schema.]
30. Donald Scragg, Ælfric's Lives of Canonised Popes (2001). [Four papers by M. Gretsch, S. Rosser, S. DeGregorio, and Joyce Hill.]
31. Mary K. Ramsey, ed. Beowulf in Our Time: Teaching Beowulf in Translation (2002). [Four papers by Alfred David, R.M. Liuzza, Stephen Glosecki, and John M. Hill.]
32. Jonathan Wilcox, ed. Old English Scholarship and Bibliography: Essays in Honor of Carl T. Berkhout (2004). [essays by J. R. Hall, Helen Damico, Andrew Prescott, Robert Hasenfratz, E. G. Stanley, Thomas N. Hall, and Carl T. Berkhout.]
33. Donald Scragg, ed. The Old English Life of Mary of Egypt (2005). [essays by Catherine Brown Tkacz, Andy Orchard, Clare Lees, and Robin Norris.]
34. Helmut Gneuss. Ælfric of Eynsham: His Life, Times, and Writings (2009) [Translated by Michael Lapidge.]
35. Robin Norris. Anonymous Interpolations in Ælfric's Lives of Saints (2011) [Four essays on Euphrosyne, Eustace, Mary of Egypt, and The Seven Sleepers.]