Since 1967, OEN has been a source for news, announcements, and information about the study of the culture and history of England between the years 550 to 1066. Its annual Bibliography and Year's Work in Old English Studies are used by thousands of scholars worldwide.


Current Issue

The current issue of OEN is 48.1. Articles will be published as they are submitted. The Year's Work in Old English Studies (48.2) is due out in December.


Issue 47.2 (YWOES 2021) is free online. You are welcome to print a copy for yourself or to have it printed and bound by your local copy shop.

Issue 47.1, edited by M. J. Toswell of the University of Western Ontario, is also available for free. The issue is dedicated to Jorge Luis Borges and his lifelong fascination and engagement with Old English and Old Norse literature.

In Issue 46.1, we told the remarkable story of Elmer Luck's Leipzig dissertation (1914) on Hatton 113 under the direction of Max Förster and Eduard Sievers. It's home! Read about the homecoming here.



Kalamazoo's ICMS 2024 features a good number of papers on Old English and Anglo-Saxon England. The wesbite is HERE.

The Medieval Academy's conference calendar lists upcoming national and international conferences.



Parker Library on the Web 2.0 is online for free. Click here for the website.

Kevin Kiernan's Electronic Beowulf 4.0 is free online.

The Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources can be searched for free here.



The Howell D. Chickering Prize in Translation is awarded to the best translation of an Old English work. No awards were made between 2017 and 2024.

The Carl Berkhout Bibliography Award is recognizes outstanding bibliographers. Previous winners include Carl Berkhout (2014), Thomas N. Hall (2015), Paul Szarmach (2016). No awards were made between 2017 and 2024.


New Books and Reports

Bernard Muir has published a new digital edition: The Vercelli Codex. It is available here, and is a companion to his 2023 The Caedmon Manuscript.

Anglo-Saxon Plant-Name Survey, directed by Dr. Carole Biggam of the University of Glasgow, closed its doors after 16 years of invaluable work. In that time the association convened two conferences, one in Glasgow and another in Graz, Austria, and published three collections of early medieval plant studies: From Earth to Art (2003); Old Names—New Growth (2009); and Magic and Medicine: Early Medieval Plant-Name Studies (2013). In addition to this, members published over forty other articles and books with various publishers. Contributions in the name of ASPNS have been made to meetings of ISAS, the International Medieval Society, and the Philological Society, and ASPNS provided information to numerous scholars as well as to the Dictionary of Old English, Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources and to the BBC. Wes þu hæl.

Please inform us if you have published a book within the calendar years 2018-2020. When we resume listing new books, we will do our best to advertise your book here.

If you would like your work reviewed in YWOES, please send copies of articles or books to Stefan Jurasinski, the new editor of the Year's Work in Old English Studies.


OEN Subsidia

The OEN Subsidia was reconstituted as Old English Publications. Here is a list of volumes. Some are for sale through Medieval Institute Publications (WMU), others through ACMRS. The series is no longer published.

OEN Archives and Offprints

Essays, reports, and memorials are available as offprints for volumes 32 to 44. Offprints in pdf are free. Volumes 1 to 44 are available for free in their entirety.

Volumes 43, 44, 45, and 46 are now free in our archives. All YWOES are free as well.

If you have work that should be included in the annual bibliography, please contact the relevant subject editor, listed here.

In 2022, OEN lost all institutional support. The editorial board is redesigning the journal. We hope to have a new format in Fall 2024. We offer our sincere apologies for the interruption in service.




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