Fontes Anglo-Saxonici: A Register of Written Sources Used by Authors in Anglo-Saxon England: Twentieth Progress Report
The Fontes Anglo-Saxonici project continues in existence, though with a more modest level of activity than was the case in the past. Sample entries for a number of Ælfrician texts (Old English and Latin) have recently been received and will be added to the database in due course; the website attracts nearly 500 visits a month; and the project itself continues to give rise to an increasing number of publications. Recent examples of such publications include Augustine Casiday's article on "St Aldhelm on Apocrypha," Journal of Theological Studies 55 (2004), 147-57, based on work which the author carried out during his time as a Research Associate for Fontes, and a paper by Robert Upchurch on Ælfric's attitude to sexual abstinence within marriage, published in Traditio 59 (2004), 39-78, of which an earlier version was delivered at a Fontes Open Meeting in 2000.
The database itself – now including almost 30,000 entries – can be downloaded free of charge onto a PC hard drive from the Fontes website, though copies of the CD-ROM version (now slightly less complete than the website version) can still be obtained from Dr. Rohini Jayatilaka ( — please note the new email address).
Fontes remains very much work in progress, however, and offers of help with sourcing Latin texts in particular would be warmly welcomed. Potential contributors should contact Dr. Rosalind Love (Latin),, or Professor Susan Irvine (Old English),, as appropriate.
April 2005