Anglo-Saxon Plant Name Survey (ASPNS): Seventh Annual Report, January 2006
Nine ASPNS authors spent much of 2005 researching and writing their papers for the new ASPNS book. A major academic publisher has first refusal on the project, and I am currently waiting for the last few contributions to be received before starting work on the editing.
Two ASPNS members also participated in the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists meeting in Munich: I spoke on the evidence for certain colouring agents in Anglo-Saxon England, one of which was the dye obtained from madder, and Debby Banham spoke on new medical texts in eleventh-century manuscripts.
It is a great compliment to ASPNS that the University of Glasgow is beginning to receive enquiries from postgraduate students interested in the study of plant-names, early herbal texts, and other aspects of our subject.
The support and encouragement for the ASPNS project received from the Department of English Language, and the Institute for the Historical Study of Language, both at the University of Glasgow, is greatly appreciated.
The work of the ASPNS may be followed on its website,
Plant-Related Publications by ASPNS Members
[NB. Some items listed below were omitted from last year's report]
- Banham, Debby. Food and Drink in Anglo-Saxon England. Stroud: Tempus, 2004.
- Biggam, C. P. "Anglo-Saxon Plant Name Survey (ASPNS): Sixth Annual Report, January 2005." Old English Newsletter 38.3 (2005): 35.
- D'Aronco, Maria. "Monstra nel regno vegetale: dalla mandragora alla gorgonia." Fabelwesen, mostri e portenti nell'immaginario occidentale: medioevo germanico e altro. Ed. Carmela Rizzo. Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2004. 121-134.
- Sauer, Hans and Ulrike Krischke. "Die altenglische Pflanzennamen aus linguistischer und lexikographischer Sicht." Sudhoffs Archiv 88.2 (2004): 172-209.
- Sneader, Walter. Drug Discovery: a History. Chichester and Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley, 2005.
Submitted 29th January 2006.