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Anglo-Saxon Plant Name Survey (ASPNS): Twelfth Annual Report for 2010


Dr. C. P. Biggam, Director of ASPNS, University of Glasgow

31st January 2011

ASPNS has been joined by a new advisor, Mrs Julie Wakefield, an independent researcher in the field of herbal remedies and magic.

Several enquiries about Anglo-Saxon plant-names were received and answered, including from the Dictionary of Old English, and from a doctoral student, interested in ferns, at York University.

As always, ASPNS would like to thank the two bodies which support us: the Institute for the Historical Study of Language, and English Language, School of Critical Studies, both in the University of Glasgow, U.K.

Plant-Related Publications by ASPNS Members

  • Banham, Debby, '"In the Sweat of thy Brow Shalt Thou Eat Bread": Cereals and Cereal Production in the Anglo-Saxon Landscape', The Landscape Archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England, edited by Nicholas J. Higham and Martin J. Ryan, 175-92. Publications of the Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies 9. (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2010).
  • Banham, Debby, 'The Staff of Life: Cross and Blessings in Anglo-Saxon Cereal Production', Cross and Cruciform in the Anglo-Saxon World: Studies to Honor the Memory of Timothy Reuter, edited by Sarah Larratt Keefer, Karen Louise Jolly and Catherine E. Karkov, 279-318. Medieval European Studies 11; Sancta Crux / Halig Rod Series 3. (Morgantown: West Virginia University Press, 2010).
  • Biggam, C. P., 'Anglo-Saxon Plant-Name Survey: Eleventh Annual Report for 2009', Old English Newsletter Online 42.3 (2011).
  • Breeze, Andrew, 'The Celts and the River Beult', Archaeologia Cantiana 130 (2010), 385-7. [Suggests that this Kentish river name is Celtic and means 'cow pasture'].
  • D'Aronco, M. A., 'Ad vesice dolorem et ad eos qui urinam non faciunt (for bladder pain and when a person cannot urinate): nephrological disorders in Anglo-Saxon medicine', Journal of Nephrology 22 (S14) (2009), S42-S49. Journal special issue entitled History of Nephrology: a Process Confronted with Changing Times and of Those who Practiced it. From the Sixth Congress of the International Association for the History of Nephrology, Taormina, 2-4 October, 2008. [Herbal medicine].
  • D'Aronco, M. A., 'Alcune considerazioni sull'edizione dell' Old English Herbal and Medicina de Quadrupedibus di Hubert J. De Vriend: problemi aperti per una nuova edizione', Percepta rependere dona: studi di filologia per Anna Maria Luiselli Fadda, edited by Corrado Bologna, Mira Mocan and Paolo Vaciago, 99-108. (Florence: Olschki, 2010).
  • D'Aronco, M. A., ''Precatio terrae', 'Precatio omnium herbarum' in the Middle Ages', The Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, edited by R. B. Bjork, 1355. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).
  • D'Aronco, M. A., 'Il viaggio delle erbe dall'Inghilterra anglosassone a quella normanna (e ritorno?)', Intrecci di motivi e temi nel Medioevo germanico e romanzo, edited by Raffaella Del Pezzo, Valeria Micillo, and Salvatore Luongo, 83-98. (Naples: Università degli studi di Napoli 'L'Orientale', 2010). [A study on plant-names, from the Old English Herbal to glosses in Middle English herbals].
  • Hall, A., 'The Carbonised Grain', in 'Before Eoforwic: New Light on York in the 6th-7th Centuries', by Cecily A. Spall and Nicola J. Toop, p. 11, Medieval Archaeology 52 (2008), 1-25.
  • Hooke, Della, 'English and Welsh Woodlands in Folklore and Legend : "Dark Forest" or "Merrie Greenwood"?', Woodland Cultures in Time and Space: Tales from the Past, Messages for the Future, edited by Eirini Saratsi et al., 203-11 (Athens: Embryo Publications, 2009).
  • Hooke, Della, 'The Nature and Distribution of Early Medieval Woodland and Wood-Pasture Habitats', Perspectives in Landscape Archaeology: Papers Presented at Oxford 2003-5, edited by Helen Lewis and Sarah Semple, 55-65. British Archaeological Reports, International Series 2103. (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2010).
  • Hooke, Della, Trees in Anglo-Saxon England: Literature, Lore and Landscape. (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2010).